Thomson Reuters ProLaw Webinar


ProLaw: Milwaukee
Join us for the ProLaw webinar featuring specialist Mark Maynard
Virtual Event Date:
June 17, 2020

Virtual Event Time:
01:15 PM CST

ProLaw is a comprehensive, one office business management solution designed for everyone in your law office. Combining case and matter management as well as time entry, billing, and accounting capabilities all within a single integrated solution. ProLaw enables everyone at the firm to do their jobs with increased flexibility and scalability.

Please join us for this live demo and see for yourself how ProLaw can simplify, streamline, and coordinate the work of your firm's lawyers and staff. Sales specialist Mark Maynard will showcase the rich feature set that can help your firm:

  • Boost profitability by working more efficiently and billing more hours
  • Manage the entire matter lifecycle to service clients more efficiently
  • Improve decision making through business management functionality that provides real-time business intelligence about the health of your firm

In addition, when you register and attend this webcast, Thomson Reuters will donate $25.00 on your behalf to the National Alliance to End Homelessness. This is a nonpartisan organization committed to preventing and ending homelessness for thousands of people in the United States each year.

Mark Maynard
Sales Engineer
Mark has worked with enterprise information systems inside the legal market for 19+ years.  His experience in technical and business consulting roles gives him a unique perspective in helping address the ever evolving needs of the modern day law firm.
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