Lawyering at Home:
Working in the Future - What's Next
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Join us for Part 3 of a 3-part informal series around lawyering at home and adjusting to working in the new virtual reality.
Part 3 will explore “Working in the future” and will be an intimate discussion between Omar Ha-Redeye , Executive Directior at Durham Community Legal Clinic, Amy Grubb , Founder at the Law Office of Amy Grubb, Jessica Lim , Managing Director of Strategic Planner at Lenczner Slaght, Lisa Stam , Founder of Spring Law and Luisa Moncada , Customer Success Manager at Thomson Reuters.
The session will focus on what the future of legal work look like once there is a return to work and how the business and practice of law will be impacted in terms of overall business performance and growth, workflows, firm structure, technology adoption, marketing and business development, and changes to areas of law.