Generative AI: The Future is Here
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Hosted by Thomson Reuters

Thomson Reuters is committed to redefining how legal professionals work by investing in generative artificial intelligence (AI). Join us for a webcast as we introduce CoCounsel, your new generative AI legal assistant, and discuss how we are using generative AI to enhance the products you already know and trust. CoCounsel has the legal industry’s most robust suite of generative AI skills, including:

  • AI-Assisted Research: Get relevant answers to research questions with links to trusted Westlaw authority in moments
  • CoCounsel Core: Rapidly pinpoint key knowledge, communicate complex information, and complete critical tasks including document review, database research, correspondence, and more.  

Join us to learn more about these advancements, as well as how Thomson Reuters is leading the way in this new era using generative AI to positively improve legal professionals’ workflows.  

David Wong 
Chief Product Officer,  
Thomson Reuters
Mary Acimovic
Senior Director, Product Management,  
Westlaw Canada
Valerie McConnell 
Senior Director of CoCounsel Customer Success,

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